Nama H2O RDI Portal

Legal Disclaimer

  • The information published on this site is intended to assist vendors to prepare their proposals/solutions for the posted challenges.
  • Each vendor registered on the platform and wishing to reply to any posted challenge must make (and will be deemed to have made) its own independent assessment of the relevance of the information contained herein, and should make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine its interest in participating.
  • This information provided for each posted challenge represents current best estimates based upon available data and as such is subject to interpretation, judgement and future change.
  • Posting a proposal in response to a published challenge does not guarantee to the participant any award of contract (trial or otherwise), compensation or special privilege of any sort unless otherwise notified in writing by OWWSC in line with its current rules and procedures.
  • All communication regarding a posted challenge should be conducted through the portal, no emails to be sent directly to OWWSC staff.
  • Information published for the challenges and accessed by a registered vendor should not be passed to others, non-registered. It shall be treated as strictly confidential.

2024 © Nama Water Services.